%title Hello World --------------------------- [[index.wiki|Index]] --------------------------- *Date:* 2023/09/02 *Author:* Tristan Ancelet *Category:* School = Hello World = --------------- Hello everyone, I'm terrible at things like blogging so I'll just start off with the basics. My name is Tristan Ancelet. I'm a technologist both in hobby and in work. I am also a Systems Engineer and I dabble in software to automate portions of my work and to make administration and backup of my companies infrastructure much easier. == My Journey So Far == --------------- I started working in IT when I was 24, as a Network Tech for an ISP. In the next 2 years I then expanded into System Administration and eventually System Engineering. == Goals == --------------- === Long Term === --------------- As far as my goals going forward. My long term goal is to use this degree to become much more comfortable with development so that I can get into DevOps Engineering. As having experience with development and the associated technologies (Source Control/Git, GitLab, GitHub, etc) will allow me to expand my scope to encompass those topics more easily. Which will get me closer to that goal. === Short Term === --------------- My short Term goals is to graduate with a bachelors in Computer Science. So that I will have more time to be able to focus on my career, and to give me more time to improve my health (due to a very stationary and sedentary job). == This Blog == --------------- This blog is just something I whipped up with using VimWiki and some auto-generation bash scripts. I am focusing on reliable (and convenient) generation of the website and NOT visual appeal. I will eventually change to custom CSS so that the style is more unique and easier to look at. However, this is far from something I feel is a priority in the short term.