This commit is contained in:
Tristan Ancelet 2023-10-30 22:48:18 -05:00
parent 7f639646b8
commit a3df079269
6 changed files with 10 additions and 195 deletions

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@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<title>Blog Issue</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<hr />
<a href="index.html">Index</a> <a href="hello-world.html">Hello World</a>
<hr />
<span id="-Date:"></span><strong id="Date:">Date:</strong> 2023/09/05
<span id="-Author:"></span><strong id="Author:">Author:</strong> Tristan Ancelet
<div id="Blog Issue"><h1 id="Blog Issue" class="header"><a href="#Blog Issue">Blog Issue</a></h1></div>
<div id="Blog Issue-DNS"><h2 id="DNS" class="header"><a href="#Blog Issue-DNS">DNS</a></h2></div>
Looks like my master DNS server was down for the last 3 days (didn't know until the teacher mentioned it). Had to end up taking a look at my provider and it looks like my master DNS server had crashed at some point. After restarting it I got everything started up and it seems to have come back up.
I had a backup DNS server as well, but after looking into the VM (that was still running), it turns out that I never whitelisted the DNS port (53/udp) on it. So it's entire life has been failure (as it's been the backup for several months). My thought is that I <span id="Blog Issue-DNS-DID"></span><strong id="DID">DID</strong> whitelist it but not perminately. So after a reboot it cleared the config and DNS traffic wasn't whitelisted it anymore.
Here is the commands it did to whitelist DNS (running firewalld as a device side firewall)
<pre bash>
firewall-cmd --perm --zone=public --add-service=dns
firewall-cmd --reload
After checking that DNS was resolving with dig, I was able to visit my site with no more issues.
<pre bash>

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@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<title>Hello World</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<hr />
<a href="index.html">Index</a>
<hr />
<span id="-Date:"></span><strong id="Date:">Date:</strong> 2023/09/02
<span id="-Author:"></span><strong id="Author:">Author:</strong> Tristan Ancelet
<div id="Hello World"><h1 id="Hello World" class="header"><a href="#Hello World">Hello World</a></h1></div>
<hr />
Hello everyone, I'm terrible at things like blogging so I'll just start off with the basics. My name is Tristan Ancelet. I'm a technologist both in hobby and in work.
I am also a Systems Engineer and I dabble in software to automate portions of my work and to make administration and backup of my companies infrastructure much easier.
<div id="Hello World-My Journey So Far"><h2 id="My Journey So Far" class="header"><a href="#Hello World-My Journey So Far">My Journey So Far</a></h2></div>
<hr />
I started working in IT when I was 24, as a Network Tech for an ISP. In the next 2 years I then expanded into System Administration and eventually System Engineering.
<div id="Hello World-Goals"><h2 id="Goals" class="header"><a href="#Hello World-Goals">Goals</a></h2></div>
<hr />
<div id="Hello World-Goals-Long Term"><h3 id="Long Term" class="header"><a href="#Hello World-Goals-Long Term">Long Term</a></h3></div>
<hr />
As far as my goals going forward. My long term goal is to use this degree to become much more comfortable with development so that I can get into DevOps Engineering. As having experience with development and the associated technologies (Source Control/Git, GitLab, GitHub, etc) will allow me to expand my scope to encompass those topics more easily. Which will get me closer to that goal.
<div id="Hello World-Goals-Short Term"><h3 id="Short Term" class="header"><a href="#Hello World-Goals-Short Term">Short Term</a></h3></div>
<hr />
My short Term goals is to graduate with a bachelors in Computer Science. So that I will have more time to be able to focus on my career, and to give me more time to improve my health (due to a very stationary and sedentary job).
<div id="Hello World-This Blog"><h2 id="This Blog" class="header"><a href="#Hello World-This Blog">This Blog</a></h2></div>
<hr />
This blog is just something I whipped up with using VimWiki and some auto-generation bash scripts. I am focusing on reliable (and convenient) generation of the website and NOT visual appeal. I will eventually change to custom CSS so that the style is more unique and easier to look at. However, this is far from something I feel is a priority in the short term.

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
<link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="rss.xml">
<title>Blog Index</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
@ -22,13 +23,13 @@
<a href="blog-issue.html">Blog Issue (2023/09/05)</a>
<a href="1698642000-first-ticket.html">2023/10/30 - First Ticket</a>
<a href="hello-world.html">Hello World (2023/09/02)</a>
<a href="1693890000-blog-issue.html">2023/09/05 - Blog Issue</a>
<a href="1693630800-hello-world.html">2023/09/02 - Hello World</a>

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@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
%title Blog Issue
[[|Index]] [[/home/tristan/Blog/blog/|Hello World]]
*Date:* 2023/09/05
*Author:* Tristan Ancelet
= Blog Issue =
== DNS ==
Looks like my master DNS server was down for the last 3 days (didn't know until the teacher mentioned it). Had to end up taking a look at my provider and it looks like my master DNS server had crashed at some point. After restarting it I got everything started up and it seems to have come back up.
I had a backup DNS server as well, but after looking into the VM (that was still running), it turns out that I never whitelisted the DNS port (53/udp) on it. So it's entire life has been failure (as it's been the backup for several months). My thought is that I *DID* whitelist it but not perminately. So after a reboot it cleared the config and DNS traffic wasn't whitelisted it anymore.
Here is the commands it did to whitelist DNS (running firewalld as a device side firewall)
firewall-cmd --perm --zone=public --add-service=dns
firewall-cmd --reload
After checking that DNS was resolving with dig, I was able to visit my site with no more issues.

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
%title Hello World
*Date:* 2023/09/02
*Author:* Tristan Ancelet
= Hello World =
Hello everyone, I'm terrible at things like blogging so I'll just start off with the basics. My name is Tristan Ancelet. I'm a technologist both in hobby and in work.
I am also a Systems Engineer and I dabble in software to automate portions of my work and to make administration and backup of my companies infrastructure much easier.
== My Journey So Far ==
I started working in IT when I was 24, as a Network Tech for an ISP. In the next 2 years I then expanded into System Administration and eventually System Engineering.
== Goals ==
=== Long Term ===
As far as my goals going forward. My long term goal is to use this degree to become much more comfortable with development so that I can get into DevOps Engineering. As having experience with development and the associated technologies (Source Control/Git, GitLab, GitHub, etc) will allow me to expand my scope to encompass those topics more easily. Which will get me closer to that goal.
=== Short Term ===
My short Term goals is to graduate with a bachelors in Computer Science. So that I will have more time to be able to focus on my career, and to give me more time to improve my health (due to a very stationary and sedentary job).
== This Blog ==
This blog is just something I whipped up with using VimWiki and some auto-generation bash scripts. I am focusing on reliable (and convenient) generation of the website and NOT visual appeal. I will eventually change to custom CSS so that the style is more unique and easier to look at. However, this is far from something I feel is a priority in the short term.

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@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
## Blog Posts
- [[|Blog Issue (2023/09/05)]]
- [[|2023/10/30 - First Ticket ]]
- [[|Hello World (2023/09/02)]]
- [[|2023/09/05 - Blog Issue ]]
- [[|2023/09/02 - Hello World ]]