#!/bin/bash # BEGIN: Variables ## This is assuming you're using a linux/unix OS (or at least WSL for windows) VIM_DIR=~/.vim VIMRC_FILE=~/.vimrc VIM_AUTOLOAD_DIR=$VIM_DIR/autoload ## Retrieved from github ### GitHub: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug PLUG_DOWNLOAD_URL='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim' ## Removing proceding path just to get filename PLUG_FILENAME="${PLUG_DOWNLOAD_URL/*\/}" PLUG_DOWNLOAD_PATH=$VIM_AUTOLOAD_DIR/$PLUG_FILENAME # END: Variables # BEGIN: Pre-Work Check if ! test vim; then echo "Vim is not installed. You will need to install it before you can use vimwiki" fi if [[ ! -d $VIM_AUTOLOAD_DIR ]]; then mkdir -p $VIM_AUTOLOAD_DIR fi # END: Pre-Work Check # BEGIN: Work ## If plug isn't already installed if [[ ! -f $VIM_AUTOLOAD_DIR/$PLUG_FILENAME ]]; then curl "$PLUG_DOWNLOAD_URL" -o $PLUG_DOWNLOAD_PATH fi # END: Work