
Date: 2023/09/02 Author: Tristan Ancelet

Hello World

Hello everyone, I'm terrible at things like blogging so I'll just start off with the basics. My name is Tristan Ancelet. I'm a technologist both in hobby and in work.

I am also a Systems Engineer and I dabble in software to automate portions of my work and to make administration and backup of my companies infrastructure much easier.

My Journey So Far

I started working in IT when I was 24, as a Network Tech for an ISP. In the next 2 years I then expanded into System Administration and eventually System Engineering.


Long Term

As far as my goals going forward. My long term goal is to use this degree to become much more comfortable with development so that I can get into DevOps Engineering. As having experience with development and the associated technologies (Source Control/Git, GitLab, GitHub, etc) will allow me to expand my scope to encompass those topics more easily. Which will get me closer to that goal.

Short Term

My short Term goals is to graduate with a bachelors in Computer Science. So that I will have more time to be able to focus on my career, and to give me more time to improve my health (due to a very stationary and sedentary job).

This Blog

This blog is just something I whipped up with using VimWiki and some auto-generation bash scripts. I am focusing on reliable (and convenient) generation of the website and NOT visual appeal. I will eventually change to custom CSS so that the style is more unique and easier to look at. However, this is far from something I feel is a priority.