#!/usr/bin/bash # BEGIN: Variables HOSTNAME="ExampleHostname" BOOT_METHOD="EFI" DISK='/dev/sda' EFI_PARTITION=${DISK}1 SWAP_PARTITION=${DISK}2 ROOT_PARTITION=${DISK}3 TIMEZONE_INFO=America/Chicago LOCALE=en_US.UTF-8 ## Commands to create disks un-interactively with fdisk ## will clean up comments later with grep command FORMAT_DISK_COMMANDS=" # Create GPT partition table g # Create efi partition n # Enter to select default partition number # Enter to select default first sector # Allocate only 500 MiB for the efi partition +500MiB # Set partition type t # Set partition type to efi (1) 1 # Create Swap Partition n # Enter to select default partition number # Enter to select default first sector # Allocate 8 GiB to swap partition +8GiB ## Set partition type to Linux Swap (19) t ### Enter to select default (last) partition (2) ### Set Type to swap (19) 19 # Create root partition (doing single partition format) n # Enter to select default partition number # Enter to select default first sector # Press Enter to allocate remaining disk to your final partition # No need to set partition type # Write changes to disk w " # END: Variables # BEGIN: Work ## BEGIN: Pre-Chroot Work ### Format Disk #### For this example I will be using a sata disk (/dev/sda) COMMANDS="$(echo -e "$FORMAT_DISK_COMMANDS" | grep -v \#)" fdisk $DISK <<< "$COMMANDS" ### Format EFI Partition #### The efi partition (mounted at /boot/efi) Needs to be formatted as fat32 mkfs.fat -F32 $EFI_PARTITION ### Format SWAP partition mkswap $SWAP_PARTITION ### Activate swap partition swapon $SWAP_PARTITION ### Format Root Partition #### We will be formatting it with ext4 because that's the default for most use-cases, especially when new linux users are concerned mkfs.ext4 $ROOT_PARTITION ### Mounting the root partition to begin setting up the partitions where they need to be mount $ROOT_PARTITION /mnt ### Calling the --mkdir flag for mount to create the necessary directories so that it can mount mount $EFI_PARTITION --mkdir /mnt/boot/efi ### Using pacstrap to install the necessities to be able to get a chroot env : " base: This is a meta-package. One that will handle installing many of the necessary programs to have a basic install of arch to chroot into linux: This is the actual kernel being installed. It will install the kernel & kernel-modules necessary to boot linux-headers: This is many other family of distros (Debian, RedHat, etc) would name linux-dev || linux-devel This is a package that contains all of the kernel's header files for compiling modules for your distrobutions kernel. linux-firmware: This is another meta package that contains just about all of the firmware drivers you system may need. It is just a dump of firmware, not all of them will be needed for your system. sudo: A program needed for privelege escalation. Basically to provide a user of an admin group (most often wheel in most distrobutions) to be able to execute binaries that require root level permissions in you system. Installing it here because it is not installed by default. An alternative is doas, a utility to perform the same funciton. " pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-headers linux-firmware sudo INSTALL_SYSTEM=" # Updating the package manager cache pacman -Syy # Setting the hostname of your machine echo '$HOSTNAME' > /etc/hostname # Setting timezone of the machine ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TIMEZONE_INFO /etc/localtime " # END: Work