#!/usr/bin/ruby # BEGIN: Requires require 'digest' # END: Requires # BEGIN: Helper Functions def usage puts <] [] Description: This utlity is meant to be used to interact with & manage the filebucket in the same capacity as the builtin filebucket utility. However, it does not handle any puppet tie ins. I created this due to the puppet filebucket utility in my companies P4 envrionments not functioning Actions: search : Search for bucket entries matching a portion of the filepath list : List all Bucket entries list-files : List all files/paths that have been backed up to the bucket get : Get the content of a specific entry (by hash) restore : Restore previous state of file stored in bucket. Value can be hash or filename/filepath : Note: To restore to an alternate path you will need to provide the path via the -o flag : backup : Backup the file to the bucket delete : Delete the entry from the bucket Restore Flags: -o | --output-file : Used to provide an alternate restoral path for the restore function Global Flags: -d | --debug : Set debug flag -h | --help : This help message -b | --bucket : User specified bucket directory Listing Filter Flags: --from-date : Filter listings from starting after this point (FORMAT: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) : EX: : 1. --from-date 2023-05-10 : 2. --from-date "2023-05-10 13:23" : --to-date : Filter listings from ending at this point (FORMAT: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) : EX: : 1. --to-date 2024-05-10 : 2. --to-date "2024-05-10 05:27" : Info Format Flags: -i | --inline : Set the info format to inline (MTIME : HASH : FILENAME) -l | --long : Set the info format to long : Entry [HASH]: : Paths: path1,path2,...,pathn : MTIME: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS -#### : -c | --csv : Set the info format to csv ( MTIME,HASH,FILENAME1[;FILENAMEn] ) Author: Name: Tristan Ancelet Email: tristan.ancelet@acumera.com Phone (Work) #: +1 (337) 965-1855 EOT end def log (message, level = 0) if $DEBUG == true or $CONFIG[:log_file] != "" if message == "" puts "log was called without providing a message" exit end case level when 0 level="INFO" when 1 level="WARN" when 2 level="CRIT" else level="UNDF" end datestamp=Time.now log_message="#{datestamp} : #{$HOSTNAME} : #{level} : #{caller[0]} : #{message}" if $CONFIG[:log_file] != "" File.open($CONFIG[:log_file],'a') do |file| file.write("#{log_message}\n") end else puts log_message end end end def which(cmd) #https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2108727/which-in-ruby-checking-if-program-exists-in-path-from-ruby exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : [''] ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| exts.each do |ext| exe = File.join(path, "#{cmd}#{ext}") return exe if File.executable?(exe) && !File.directory?(exe) end end nil end def get_verification (prompt = "Do you want to continue?") while true puts "#{prompt} (y/n): " answer = STDIN.gets answer = answer.strip() case answer when 'y','yes' return true when 'n', 'no' return false else puts "#{answer} is not an acceptible answer" end end end def get_selections (reference_array, prompt = "Which of the following do you want to select? ", options = { :multiple => false, }, &procedure) ## Making clone of array since the selections were passed by reference selections = reference_array.clone def put_prompt (selections, prompt) puts prompt selections.each_with_index do |value,index| puts "#{index} : #{value}" end end if options[:multiple] == true output = Array.new else output = "" end put_prompt selections, prompt while true choice = Integer(STDIN.gets.strip()) if choice.is_a? Integer if choice >= 0 and choice < selections.count if options[:multiple] == true output.push(selections[choice]) selections.delete_at(choice) if get_verification "Are you done selecting?" break end put_prompt selections, prompt else output = selections[choice] break end else puts "#{choice} is not between the values of 0 and #{selections.count}. Please try again." end else puts "#{choice} is not a valid option. Please try again." end end if procedure.respond_to? "call" output = procedure.call(output) end output end # END: Helper Functions # BEGIN: Variables if not (ARGV & ['-h', '--help']).empty? usage exit end if ENV["USER"] != 'root' puts "This script should only be run by root (permissions issues). Please rerun it as root or prepend \"sudo\"" exit end $DEBUG=false puppet_exe = which "puppet" if puppet_exe == nil puts "The puppet utility was not found in $PATH. This utility will not be able to function" exit end $CONFIG = Hash.new $CONFIG[:bucket_dir]=` #{puppet_exe} agent --configprint clientbucketdir `.strip() $CONFIG[:puppet_version]=` #{puppet_exe} --version ` $CONFIG[:action]="" $CONFIG[:search_term]="" $CONFIG[:log_file]="" $CONFIG[:alt_filepath]="" $CONFIG[:info_format]="inline" $CONFIG[:from_time]=Time.at(0) # Beginning of epoch time $CONFIG[:to_time]=Time.now # Today File.open('/etc/hostname') do |file| $HOSTNAME=file.read().strip() end FLAG_REGEX=/^\-+\S+/ DATE_REGEX=/^(?[0-9]{4})-(?[0-9]{1,2})-(?[0-9]{1,2})[[:space:]]*((?[0-9]{1,2}):(?[0-9]{1,2}):(?[0-9]{1,2}))?$/ # END: Variables # BEGIN: Handle CLI Args if ARGV.count == 0 puts "No arguments were provided" usage exit end if not (ARGV & ['-d', '--debug']).empty? $DEBUG=true end i=0 case ARGV[i] when 'search', 'get', 'restore', 'backup', 'delete' $CONFIG[:action]=ARGV[i] log "$CONFIG[:action] was set to #{ARGV[i]}" log "user provided search action ARGV[i.next] == #{ARGV[i.next]}" if ARGV[i.next] != "" and not ARGV[i.next] =~ FLAG_REGEX $CONFIG[:search_term]=ARGV[i.next] log "search_term was set to #{ARGV[i.next]}" i+=2 else puts "Flag[#{ARGV[i]}] : Argument[#{ARGV[i.next]}] : Either the argument was not provided or it was a flag" usage exit end when 'list', 'list-files' $CONFIG[:action] = ARGV[i] log "$CONFIG[:action] was set to #{ARGV[i]}" i+=1 else puts "#{ARGV[i]} is not a valid action. Please make sure you use a valid action as the first argument of the script" usage exit end while i < ARGV.count case ARGV[i] when '-c', '--csv' $CONFIG[:info_format]='csv' log "$CONFIG[:info_format] was set to #{$CONFIG[:info_format]}" i+=1 when '-l', '--long' $CONFIG[:info_format]='long' log "$CONFIG[:info_format] was set to #{$CONFIG[:info_format]}" i+=1 when '-i', '--inline' $CONFIG[:info_format]='inline' log "$CONFIG[:info_format] was set to #{$CONFIG[:info_format]}" i+=1 when '-o', '--output-file' log "user provided ARGV[i.next] == #{ARGV[i.next]}" if ARGV[i.next] != "" and not ARGV[i.next] =~ FLAG_REGEX $CONFIG[:alt_filepath]=File.expand_path(ARGV[i.next]) log "search_term was set to #{$CONFIG[:alt_filepath]}" i+=2 else puts "Flag[#{ARGV[i]}] : Argument[#{ARGV[i.next]}] : Either the argument was not provided or it was a flag" usage exit end when '-d', '--debug' log "#{ARGV[i]} as specified, and the $CONFIG[:debug] flag was already enabled" i+=1 when '-b', '--bucket' log "user provided ARGV[i.next] == #{ARGV[i.next]}" if ARGV[i.next] != "" and not ARGV[i.next] =~ FLAG_REGEX $CONFIG[:bucket_dir]=ARGV[i.next] log "$CONFIG[:bucket_dir] was set to #{ARGV[i.next]}" i+=2 else puts "Flag[#{ARGV[i]}] : Argument[#{ARGV[i.next]}] : Either the argument was not provided or it was a flag" usage exit end when '--to-date', '--from-date' if ARGV[i.next] != "" and ARGV[i.next] =~ DATE_REGEX date_matches = DATE_REGEX.match(ARGV[i.next]).named_captures.each_value.select{|val| not val.nil?}.map(&:to_i) case ARGV[i] when '--to-date' $CONFIG[:to_time]=Time.new(*date_matches) log "$CONFIG[:to_time] was set to #{$CONFIG[:to_time]}}" when '--from-date' $CONFIG[:from_time]=Time.new(*date_matches) log "$CONFIG[:from_time] was set to #{$CONFIG[:from_time]}}" end i+=2 else puts "Flag[#{ARGV[i]}] : Argument[#{ARGV[i.next]}] : Either the argument was not provided or it was a flag" usage exit end when FLAG_REGEX # Catch all to prevent user from specifying a non-accounted for flag puts "#{ARGV[i]} is not a valid flag." usage exit else i+=1 end end ## BEGIN: Checks if $CONFIG[:action] == "" puts "Action was not provided" end if not Dir.exist? $CONFIG[:bucket_dir] puts "BucketDir[#{$CONFIG[:bucket_dir]}] Does not exist. Please check to make sure configuration is correct" exit end case $CONFIG[:action] when 'search', 'get' if $CONFIG[:search_term] == "" puts "Search Term was not provided" usage exit end when 'backup' if not File.exist? $CONFIG[:search_term] puts "File #{$CONFIG[:search_term]} does not exist. Please check to make sure that there are not typos and attempt the run again." exit else $CONFIG[:search_term] = File.expand_path($CONFIG[:search_term]) end end ## END: Checks # END: Handle CLI Args # BEGIN: Classes class BucketEntry attr_reader :hash, :filepaths, :mtime def initialize (entry_dir) @entry_dir = entry_dir @hash = File.basename(entry_dir) File.open("#{entry_dir}/paths") do |file| @filepaths = file.read.split(/\n/) end @mtime = File.mtime(entry_dir) log "BucketEntry was created from #{entry_dir}" end def path_include? (path_string) log "BucketEntry[#{hash}] was called with #{path_string}" @filepaths.any?{|path| path.include? path_string} end def long_info "Entry [#{@hash}]: Paths: #{@filepaths.join(',')} MTIME: #{@mtime} " end def csv_info [@mtime,@hash,@filepaths.join(';')].join(',') end def inline_info "#{@mtime} : #{@hash} : #{@filepaths.join(',')}" end def info case $CONFIG[:info_format] when 'long' long_info when 'inline' inline_info when 'csv' csv_info end end def content log "BucketEntry[#{@hash}] getting contents" File.open("#{@entry_dir}/contents",'r') do |file| file.read() end end def delete returncode = true log "User has chosen to delete this BucketEntry" Dir.chdir(@entry_dir){ log "Changed to #{@entry_dir} to delete children files" Dir.children(@entry_dir).each{|file| log "Deleting #{file}" if File.unlink(file) log "#{file} deleted" else puts "There was an issue deleting #{File.expand_path(file)}" exit end } } log "Deleting #{@entry_dir}" if Dir.delete(@entry_dir) log "Deleted #{@entry_dir}" else puts "There was an issue when attempting to delete #{@entry_dir}" end dir = @entry_dir log "Beginning to delete trailing dirs unless one has children other than those that make up #{File.dirname(@entry_dir)}" for i in 1..8 dir = File.dirname(dir) log "Beginning to delete #{dir}" children = Dir.children(dir) log "Dir[#{dir}] children found to be #{children.join(',')}" if children.empty? if Dir.delete(dir) log "Deleted #{dir}" else puts "There was an issue when attempting to delete #{dir}" exit end else log "#{dir} showed to contain another child directory. Not deleting and breaking loop" break end end returncode end end class Bucket attr_reader :bucketdir, :entries def initialize (clientbucketdir) log "Bucket is being created from #{clientbucketdir}" @bucketdir = clientbucketdir @entries = Hash.new load_bucket end def select(&proc) @entries.each_value.select &proc end def any?(&proc) @entries.each_value.any? &proc end def load_bucket log "Bucket[#{@bucketdir}] is loading entries" Dir["#{@bucketdir}/**/paths"].each.map{|path| File.dirname(path)}.each do |directory| log "\"#{directory}\" was grabbed from bucket directory. Making new BucketEntry" entry = BucketEntry.new(directory) if entry.mtime <= $CONFIG[:to_time] and entry.mtime >= $CONFIG[:from_time] @entries[entry.hash]=entry log "BucketEntry[#{entry.hash}] was added to @entries Size=#{@entries.count()}" else log "Entry[#{entry.hash}] was filtered out by the user provided time constraints" end end log "Bucket[#{@bucketdir}] was loaded" end def filenames filenames = Array.new @entries.each_value do |entry| entry.filepaths.each do |path| if not filenames.include? path filenames.push(path) end end end filenames end end # END: Classes # BEGIN: Work Functions def search_entries_paths (bucket) puts bucket.select{|entry| entry.path_include? $CONFIG[:search_term]}.sort_by(&:mtime).map(&:info) end def get_content_of_entry_hash (bucket) if bucket.entries.has_key? $CONFIG[:search_term] puts bucket.entries[$CONFIG[:search_term]].content else puts "There were no entries corresponding to #{$CONFIG[:search_term]}" exit end end def list_all_entries (bucket) puts bucket.filenames.map{|filename| bucket.select{|entry| entry.path_include? filename}.sort_by(&:mtime).map(&:info)} end def list_entry_files (bucket) puts bucket.filenames.sort.join("\n") end def get_entry_by_file (bucket, filenames) entry = nil if filenames.count == 1 filename = filenames[0] else filename = get_selections filenames, "Your filename matched multiple files. Please select one to restore" end entries = bucket.select{|entry| entry.path_include? filename} if entries.count == 1 entry = entries.first else while true mtimes = entries.map{|entry| entry.mtime} entry_mtime = get_selections(mtimes , "Which timestamp to you want to revert the file to?") entry = entries.lazy.select{|entry| entry.mtime == entry_mtime}.first if get_verification "Do you want to see the contents of #{filename} at this time?" puts entry.content if get_verification "Is this the entry you want to overwrite #{filename} with?" break end else break end end end if filename[0] != '/' filename = "/#{filename}" end return entry, filename end def get_entry_by_hash (bucket) if bucket.entries.has_key? $CONFIG[:search_term] entry = bucket.entries[$CONFIG[:search_term]] filepath = "" if entry.filepaths.count == 1 filepath = entry.filepaths[0] else filepath = get_selections entry.filepaths, "What filepath do you wish to restore to?" end if filepath[0] != '/' filepath = "/#{filepath}" end return entry, filepath else puts "There were no entries corresponding to #{$CONFIG[:search_term]}" end end def restore_entry (bucket) entry = nil if bucket.any?{ |entry| entry.path_include? $CONFIG[:search_term] } filenames = bucket.filenames.select {|filename| filename.include? $CONFIG[:search_term]} entry, filepath = get_entry_by_file bucket, filenames else entry, filepath = get_entry_by_hash bucket end if $CONFIG[:alt_filepath] != "" filepath=$CONFIG[:alt_filepath] end if get_verification "Are you sure you want to overwrite #{filepath}?" File.open(filepath,'w') do |file| file.write(entry.content) end else puts "Ok not overwriting." end end def backup_file (bucket) hash="" if Gem::Version.new($CONFIG[:puppet_version]) >= Gem::Version.new("7.0.0") log "Puppet Version is +7.* so hashing algo will be SHA256" File.open($CONFIG[:search_term],'r') do |file| hash = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest file.read() end else log "Puppet Version is not 7.* so hashing algo will be MD5" File.open($CONFIG[:search_term],'r') do |file| hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest file.read() end end log "Hash for #{$CONFIG[:search_term]} was generated to be #{hash}" if bucket.entries.has_key? hash log "Hash was found to already be backed up to bucket" puts "This file (hash: #{hash} has already been backed up in the bucket" puts bucket.entries[hash].info exit end puppet_uid=0 puppet_gid=0 File.open('/etc/passwd','r') do |file| log "Getting puppet UID & GID from /etc/passwd" passd = file.read.split(/\n/).select{|line| line =~ /puppet.+/}.first puppet_uid=Integer(passd.split(':')[2]) log "Retrieved Puppet UID as #{puppet_uid}" puppet_gid=Integer(passd.split(':')[3]) log "Retrieved Puppet GID as #{puppet_gid}" end log "Created preceeding directorys to hash directory" dir=$CONFIG[:bucket_dir] hash.chars[0,8].each{|char| dir+="/#{char}" log "Checking to make sure that #{dir} doesn't exist" if not Dir.exist? dir log "#{dir} didn't exist so creating the directory & changing the UID to #{puppet_uid} & GID #{puppet_gid}" Dir.mkdir dir File.chown(puppet_gid, puppet_uid, dir) end } entry_dir="#{dir}/#{hash}" if not Dir.exist? entry_dir log "#{entry_dir} didn't exist so creating the directory & changing the UID to #{puppet_uid} & GID #{puppet_gid}" Dir.mkdir entry_dir File.chown(puppet_gid, puppet_uid, entry_dir) end contents_path="#{entry_dir}/contents" log "#{contents_path} will be created" paths_path="#{entry_dir}/paths" log "#{paths_path} will be created" log "Creating #{contents_path}" File.open(contents_path, 'w') do |contents_file| log "Opened #{contents_path} to be written to" File.open($CONFIG[:search_term], 'r') do |source_file| log "Opened #{$CONFIG[:search_term]} to be read from" contents_file.write(source_file.read) contents_file.chown(puppet_gid, puppet_uid) log "#{contents_path} was created & was chowned to UID to #{puppet_uid} & GID #{puppet_gid}" end end log "Creating #{paths_path}" File.open(paths_path, 'w') do |paths_file| log "Opened #{paths_path} to be written to" paths_file.write($CONFIG[:search_term]) log "Just wrote #{$CONFIG[:search_term]} to #{paths_path}" paths_file.chown(puppet_gid, puppet_uid) log "#{paths_path} was created & was chowned to UID to #{puppet_uid} & GID #{puppet_gid}" end puts "File #{$CONFIG[:search_term]} was backed up to #{entry_dir}" end def delete_entry (bucket) if bucket.entries.has_key? $CONFIG[:search_term] entry = bucket.entries[$CONFIG[:search_term]] else puts "BucketEntry[#{$CONFIG[:search_term]}] Does not exist. Please make sure you provided the correct hash value" end puts "Corresponding Entry: #{entry.info}" if get_verification "Are you sure you want to delete BucketEntry[#{entry.hash}]? " if get_verification "This cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to continue?: " entry.delete end end end # END: Work Functions # BEGIN: Work if __FILE__ == $0 bucket = Bucket.new($CONFIG[:bucket_dir]) case $CONFIG[:action] when 'search' search_entries_paths bucket when 'get' get_content_of_entry_hash bucket when 'list' list_all_entries bucket when 'list-files' list_entry_files bucket when 'restore' restore_entry bucket when 'backup' backup_file bucket when 'delete' delete_entry bucket end end # END: Work